Friday 8 February 2013

Do's and Dont's of Web Usability - Part 2

Here is Next part of Do's and Dont's of Web Usability

10. Always make sure that the website content is easy to scan and read

Normally, people have short attention time.
So by giving section titles in h2, h3 or h4 tags to split your articles, you allow the website visitor to quickly go through the articles and see if there is something they are looking to read.
While writing the article content you should also be aware of the size of each paragraph as users will get tired of scanning long paragraphs.
Short paragraphs i.e about 5-10 lines are much easier to read.

11. Do not overload a small space with lot of content

That is a very important point – adding lot of things into a small space and not allowing the visitors to focus on the important stuff is not good.
The important information should be easily visible.

12. Make sure that you have included breadcrumbs in your pages

Breadcrumbs are useful in giving website visitor control of where they are at and what they are going to do next.
If the visitor is on a sub page of your Services page, your breadcrumbs will look something like this [ Home -> Services -> Sub Page Title ].
Breadcrumbs tells the website visitor exactly on which page they are and how to go back to the various levels if they like to.

13. Try to utilize color and contrast to shift focus

If you using heading and sub-heading for different pages of your website, you can try various shades of color which will tend visitor to notice the important stuff first.
These changes in colors will indicate what the website visitor will see next, ultimately it will bring user into a space where you want them to be like a sign up page or contact us page.

14. Make sure you don't have any broken links and images on your website

It may happen that you may have visitors coming to your website page from any search engine and if there are broken links, then visitor normally assume that either You are one of the old website which are not getting updated anymore or You are not keeping your website up to date, so they are going to go some where else.
Now a days some of the CMS have there own plugins that works great for checking the broken links.

15. Always include the footer to website pages and use the power of it

When website visitor on your website and he scroll through everything and go to the bottom of the page only to find a single line of text telling you that there is a copyright on the site.

We should put footer up a bit and add some extra content into it like a popular articles.

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